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徐州13th CSPV大会特色专题介绍

录入时间:2017/10/14 作者/来源:admin


紧扣光伏前沿技术和最新应用的大会特色专题一直是中国太阳级硅及光伏发电研讨会(CSPV)的名片。本次徐州CSPV大会将有16个著名企业/科研单位冠名的特色分论坛(见附件),包括保利协鑫(晶硅材料技术与装备)、隆基乐叶(PERC技术与应用)、中来股份(N型电池技术及双面组件应用)、澳大利亚UNSWTowards 25% p-type industrial silicon solar cells)、天合光能(双面双玻组件技术与应用)、赛拉弗(先进组件技术与应用)、杜邦(领跑+长跑光伏关键辅材技术与应用)、杭州福膜(高可靠封装材料)、阳光电源(分布式户用光伏发电系统)、中信博(跟踪系统技术与应用)、中天科技(储能+能源互联网应用)、锦浪科技(屋顶分布式专题)、光伏测试网/宁夏小牛(光伏绿色智能制造)、国检集团(户外实证检测与认证)和中国计量院(新一代太阳电池技术和计量)。

最新消息是荷兰ECN将组织“PERC+, n-PERT and beyond: From solar cells to systems”专题。请看其专题介绍: Currently PERC on mono is conquering the market in an unprecedented speed with an estimated production capacity of 27GWp by end of year. For mc-Si, industrial texturing solutions and LID cure solutions seem to pave the way for vast market introduction as well. The question we address in this workshop is: What comes next? PERC+ seems to be an obvious candidate that can easily ‘build’ on the industrial experience with PERC, but n-PERT with its favorable bifaciality factor is a serious competitor. What solar cell will become the workhorse for the long-expected burst of bifacial modules and systems? Is there still evolutionary space after PERC+ and n-PERT? What systems and applications can we expect and what kind of characterization for modules and systems is important?




13th CSPV 大会秘书处




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